If you keep bees and you live in New Zealand it is a legal requirement that you register your hive(s).
This registration is in accordance with the Biosecurity (National American Foulbrood Pest Management Strategy) Order 1998. A national register of beekeepers is maintained by AsureQuality, a government owned commercial company (http://www.asurequality.com). The Apiary Register is part of New Zealand’s strategy to eliminate American Foulbrood (AFB) in managed bee colonies. There is no cost to register hives, but an AFB Biosecurity Levy based on the number of apiaries and hives held by the beekeeper must be paid each year. In addition, each beekeeper must complete an Annual Disease Return (ADR). A separate annual Certificate of Inspection (COI) showing that each hive was inspected for American Foulbrood (AFB) by an approved person must also be completed and returned.
You can download the registration form from: http://afb.org.nz, click on “Forms” then on “New Beekeeper or Apiary”.